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Fragile Nature, Nature, Environment,Sustainability
about the exhibition

The exhibition Fragile Nature displays works of art and visual communication produced in a variety of creative techniques and artistic expression, such as painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, collage, installation, and video art, which address today’s burning environmental issues. Through their Eco Art works, the artists express their ecological and environmental concerns and the ways that nature’s balance is disrupted. By presenting their theme of interest they aim to bring their message to public attention and awareness.
The connection between art and the environment is significant, since art can impact us visually and emotionally, thereby motivating us to take action.
The production of this exhibition was made possible by the support of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Kfar Vradim Local Council, after Tal Gallery won an environmental project competition.
We take this opportunity to thank the team of experts and artists who have contributedto the project from the outset: Rohan Plaot, Shmuel Lifshin, Dr. Ido Noy, Esti Katz,Edna Fischer, Hanna Nir Kamgushnai, Avivit Golan Schutz, Yoresh, Dr. Israel Greenfeld.

Fragile Nature
Nature, Environment, Sustainability 

Group Exhibition, 24 July 2021 to 30 November 2021

Curator: Ady Greenfeld

Nature consists of a delicate ecosystem with a sensitive balance, the disturbance of which has both predictable and unpredictable effects, and leads to phenomena associated with the accelerated use of our planet’s limited resources.
Close observation of our habits and behavior as humans in the modern era reveals the damages caused to our environment.
We will address through the exhibition issues such as changes resulting from the climate crisis, mostly caused bextensive use of fossil fuel, the damage caused by the increase in substances such as carbon dioxide, exceeding the system’s capacity to maintain a balanced state, the warming effects of increased glacier melting, affecting sea levels, and so forth. Further effects such as water pollution, deforestation, the extinction of species due to diminished habitat, pollution caused by synthetic non-recyclable materials, and so forth, make a significant impact on our environment. All these elements may have disastrous effects, some during our life time, and endanger the life of future generations.
Scientists and environmental experts predict that uncontrolled human activity, such as increased consumption, exploitation of resources and economic conduct that does not account for environmental costs, has visible consequences that are already with us.
we fail to change our course of action in the present at both the private and public levels, locally and worldwide, we may reach a point of no return.