Dalia Meiri, Artist ,Sculptor presents a series of prints in mixed media that were created during her stay at Cite Internationale des Arts in Paris. The views of the city of lights can be observed as background weaved within her images portraying the impressions of wandering its streets and neighborhoods. Meiri brings a new aesthetic statement in her works inspired by the culture of the past, like ancient churches, mosaics and vitrages, and the constant present altering of city landscapes, changing colors, mainly human, with the masses of immigrants, particularly Africans, who are overcrowding the city. Meiri's complex images are created of many layers performed in various techniques, originally and unique, some developed by "trial and error", combining etching, engraving, linoleum prints, by combining various materials, colors and techniques. In addition, the exhibition displays a series of latest ceramic sculptures as a link between her previous sculpture works and the new series of prints. Meiri is an original artist, creating through a process of constant change and renewal, both in techniques and content, though in her works she returns to the self portrait, in the search of introspective insight, drawn from her experiences from her travels to far away cultures in distance and time