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Kazuo Ishii , Mujo, Paintings,Calligraphy, Ink drawings, seals and more
About the exhibition


Kazuo Ishii Impressions from Japan


Ady Greenfeld

 The Kazuo Ishii exhibition at Tal Gallery offers an opportunity to get to know works inspired by traditional Japanese art. 

Ishii is a Japanese artist who has lived in Israel for many years. He brings to his artwork images and impressions of the world and culture of his native land.


His ink drawings, Japanese calligraphy, and other more modern techniques of acrylic and oil paintings are inspired by ancient traditional sources.


The themes of landscapes, nature, portraits and Japanese calligraphy express not only distance in place and time, but also the difference in culture. 


The title Ishii chose for the exhibition, Mujo, is based on Japanese Zen wisdom and reflects the impermanence of life. The verse “Willows are green, flowers are crimson” refers to the quest for peace of mind to be gained by acceptance of the reality of life as it is.


The culture of the East observes not only the aesthetic and conceptual aspects of works of art, but takes an introspective and contemplative point of view,  regarding art as a meditative means whereby to look into one's inner soul. 


Japanese Zen painting in particular is an ancient art, originating from the way of life of Buddhist monks who found in their art the inspiration for and fulfillment of their search for the desired enlightment.


The Zen Art brought to Japan from China around the twelfth and thirteen centuries was revived by the Edo period masters, such as the famous Hakuin Ekaku (1685-1768) and Sengai Gibon (1751-1837), who influenced all aspects of Japanese culture. Its principles were manifested in architecture, landscaping and the design of gardens and stone gardens, calligraphy, ceremonial tea rituals, flower arrangements, the performing arts, poetry, and so forth. The simplicity and directness of Zen gave it a wide appeal and it became a popular practice, influencing every day life.


Kazuo Ishii's creations are inspired by Zen wisdom and way of life. He combines traditional themes with modern techniques and vice versa. His artworks, in various sizes, are designed as scrolls, combining image and text, from the top down. Even the abstract works exhibit the iconography of traditional Japanese art.


A significant body of his work is based on the practice of Japanese calligraphy. The scrolls with their black signs (characters/letters) contain meaningful symbols and sayings of ancient wisdom, poems, thoughts and allegoric riddles (haiku) that were passed down and taught for generations. Although apparently difficult to understand, they seem to be relevant even nowadays, as they relate to substantial issues of human life.
The practice of calligraphy entails writing with the entire body while standing, and requires a clear state of mind called mushin, in which the artist can concentrate fully on the subject. The letters flow with the precise movement of the hand, in one stroke of the brush, and should not be corrected. This practice symbolizes the connection between the physical and the spiritual in the everlasting search for enlightenment. The distinct, clear, sharp lines may be regarded as ink traces (bokuseki) on paper, marking the artist's actual experience or perhaps even his enlightenment.


Ishii is like a Japanese island in Israel. The encounter with the man and his beliefs hold up a mirror to us. The way he sees himself and us raises questions about our way of life, opening a window of opportunity to new, alternative ways.


This exhibition shows some of Kazuo Ishii's latest works, both modern and abstract in style, along with works from earlier periods of traditional Japanese style, calligraphy and some seals. Ishii takes us along a journey to his enchanted world of Japanese iconography, symbols and traditions, merging old and new, to the images of his memory and imagination, and invites the viewer to a fascinating encounter with his world.