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  ורדה יתום
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  הרצאת עדי גרינפלד בכנס מותר 23
  מפגש עם הסופרת משוררת חמוטל בר-יוסף
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  תערוכות עבר Past Exhibitions
  אוֹמְרִים יֶשְׁנָהּ אֶרֶץ...
About Tal

Tal Greenfeld 1979 – 2002

Paintings    Drawings     Poems

Tal’s artistic creations comprise works from three periods: high-school (1994-1997), his army service (1997-2000), and his time in the USA (2001). The paintings depict the topics that occupied Tal in each period: sport, army, nature and love. Some themes, such as army boots, recur in paintings from a later period. Most of the paintings are preceded by a series of sketches contained in the sketchbooks that Tal carried with him wherever he went.

 Tal began painting at a very early age, using a variety of materials such as Panda colors, chalk on glass paper, black and colored coals, aquarelle and oils. While studying in the Ort Ma’a lot high-school’s arts stream he painted with various materials, as well as working with clay, Ytong, string and metal. His final opus comprised three large acrylic paintings on canvas, dealing with the relations between mankind, the body and internet communication.

During his military service as a medic in a combat unit Tal carried with him his sketchbooks, which he filled with portraits of his comrades and landscapes. On his furloughs he would retire to his room or go out into the garden, and to the sounds of loud music would transform the sketches into oil paintings on canvas or wood. Some of these works are indecipherable, whether they deal with a specific topic or are a conundrum of obscure themes. The main body of Tal’s work was produced during this time. Many paintings depict the hardships of army life – the boots, mess tins and desert landscapes – while others deal with the themes of love and companionship. During this period Tal also wrote many poems and stories, and produced a disc of songs which he composed and performed himself.

Upon completion of his military service Tal spent a year in the USA, where he worked and hiked alone in the Smoky Mountains and other remote areas. During this period he painted on various materials, such as the pieces of wood he collected on the building site at which he worked. The paintings depict experiences from his travels, such as a group of youngsters dancing on a beach, or scenes from a forest in Georgia. During this time he also returned to themes from army life, which continued to occupy him. Tal would sometimes give his paintings as presents to the people with whom he stayed on his travels.

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